Can a bartender drink on the job?
In most states, it is illegal for bartenders or any servers to drink on the job. Since some states allow people to serve alcohol (not all states) before 21 years of age, they have to regulate the drinking, hence bartenders or servers cannot drink on the job. Plus, drinking on the job only reduces your tips, as you will not be providing as good of service.
Can you serve if you have a felony? Can you serve if you have a criminal record?
Washington State and Indiana have laws against bartending with Felonies or serving with felony or criminal record. To the best of our knowledge, in all other states, if you have legal problems or a felony, you can still be a bartender.
According to Indiana statute IC 7.1-3-18-9, the commission may not issue an employee's permit to an applicant while the applicant is serving a sentence for a conviction for operating while intoxicated, including any term of probation or parole. The commission may also not issue an employee's permit to an applicant who has two unrelated convictions for operating while intoxicated if: the first conviction occurred less than 10 years before the application and the applicant completed the sentence for the second conviction less than 2 years before the application. In addition the commission will also revoke a permit if: the employee is either convicted of a Class B misdemeanor for selling alcohol to an intoxicated person or the employee is convicted of operating (a vehicle) while intoxicated. You should check for updates to this law, or talk to your training provider.
Caveat: If you have an alcohol related problem, due to temptations, it may be a bad idea to become a bartender or server, also in some circumstances your judge may have given you a probation or recommendation that you not work near alcohol.
Can you really learn bartending online?
If you attend a live training school, they will either provide you with flash cards, or with recipe cards (or ask you to buy recipe cards). The flash cards or recipe cards are for memorizing the drinks, you will be asked to write the drink on one side, then the recipe on the other. The computer is excellent for memorization of recipes, as you can review the material over and over, until you have all the recipes memorized.
How do I learn to make drinks?
The training course has our proprietary iBar (Interactive Bartender) software, which is set up just like a real bar, you select the glassware and ingredients, and make drinks. The iBar is set up like a real bar, so you can get used to where things are stored behind the bar.
How do I learn to make drinks?
The training course has our proprietary iBar (Interactive Bartender) software, which is set up just like a real bar, you select the glassware and ingredients, and make drinks. The iBar is set up like a real bar, so you can get used to where things are stored behind the bar.
What if I need practice (in addition to the online learning)?
You can purchase practice kits at The practice kits allow you to practice your drinks at home, with real equipment. Also, you can use the kits for private parties, such as wedding dances in spring and summer, and Christmas parties during November and December.
Is there any interaction in the bartending course?
Yes, you can use the iBar to make drinks, simulated online. The iBar allows you to make drinks, and scores your pouring skills! The iBar will time your drinks, measure your pours (for accuracy), and get you accustomed to the setup in a real bar.
Does a bartender need food safety training?
Most bars will serve food at the bar, whether it is a frozen pizza from the toaster oven, or a fine dinner, getting certified as a food handler will help you land the job you want.
Why should I upgrade to the Master's bartender package?
As a bartender, you usually receive a base salary, plus tips. The base salary (or hourly wage) is usually pretty low, such as minimum wage up to $12 per hour. Your main income is going to be from tips. Tips can range from a few bucks a night, to $20 an hour, and up. The best way to increase tips is to increase your knowledge. Great knowledge of your products, gratuity secrets will increase your income. Increasing your income also means more people are coming back to the restaurant, which makes you a more valuable employee.
Why would I want to learn responsible serving®, when I am trying to sell more alcohol?
Responsible serving of alcohol has to do with getting your customers home safely, you want to make sure they don't get in an accident, and don't get a DUI. The best way to increase your tips is through a customer base that enjoys your service, and feels you are providing a safe environment for them to relax, and in case of over-drinking that you will be looking out for their best interests.
If you have questions
Please use the form below if you have a question about being a bartender. We'll try to answer your question and post it here so it might help others who have the same question.
Web Posts
07-08-2024 2:24am
I know a lot of people with felony drug charges that bartend in Virginia. Is that legal if they have completely finished their sentence, including all probation/parole?
03-07-2024 11:45am
Every state has different laws on serving after DUIs, but normally the bartending license is suspended immediately, not at the renewal date. But every state has a different law.
03-07-2024 11:24am
If you have had three DUIs, first one in 2007, second in 2016, and the third on 2021, will I lose my bartending license upon renewal? If so, would I be eligible to get them back at some point?
08-24-2022 8:07am
Yes, you can call us at 605 427 2000. We can answer bartender license questions
08-24-2022 7:55am
Please, may I have a phone number to call to ask if I am qualified for a bartender’s license? I need to speak with someone for help! Please & Thank you, in advance!!
12-14-2020 4:48pm
If a state has a law against serving alcohol with a felony, there is not a time limit.
12-14-2020 1:58pm
If your convicted of a federal drug felony over 20 years ago, can you serve and sell alcohol?
06-23-2020 5:58pm
No. If you have a probation for a OWI (operating while intoxicated) or have convictions within the past 10 years related to an OWI, that will/could prevent you from having an Employee Permit in Indiana.
06-23-2020 4:49pm
If Im in probation for a dui can I still bartend in Indiana?
05-28-2020 8:19am
In WI, if a person is convicted of a drug felony, he/she must obtain a pardon to be considered for receiving an alcohol beverage license. For clarification, you can contact the Wisconsin Alcohol and Tobacco Agency
05-27-2020 11:35am
Can i get a alcohol server license in Wisconsin if i had a drug felony for cocaine 14 years ago, & a felony for marijuana possession, (small amount) 3 years ago?
02-02-2020 10:40am
No, if someone has a felony in Wisconsin, they need to get a pardon to serve alcohol in the state of WI. The pardon would have to be for the specific reason of serving.
02-02-2020 12:53am
Can someone in WI who has 3 DUIs and has also been convicted of a felony of embezzlement, manage a bar and serve drinks?
07-23-2019 9:31am
A liquor license can be several things. The license to open a bar or store, and sell alcohol is a liquor license. Also, the license to be a bartender or server can be called a liquor license. Either way, it is regulated by the state, and each state has different laws. Some counties have laws that are more stringent than the state requirements.
07-22-2019 7:56pm
I have a possession charge in 2002, will that prevent me from my liquor license?
05-28-2019 10:38am
Some states do not allow you to bartend with a felony. But either way, if you have an alcohol related arrest, and you are on house arrest, it is not a good idea to work at a place that sells alcohol. You should contact your case officer, and ask permission.
05-25-2019 2:16pm
I’m in house arrest and wk were u serve drinks is this kegal
02-07-2019 10:41pm
For the state of PA, it is possible to work with a felony, but you will have to contact the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board
02-07-2019 10:59am
I have a felony from 2009 in the state of Pennsylvania. I am also on probation for miss use of narcotics while being a nurse. Can I work as a bartender?
11-14-2018 9:16am
Every state has different requirements for bartender training. Some states do not have any requirements, others have very specific training. The city of Lincoln, NE has specific bartending requirements, you can take Responsible Serving training from, but there are additional steps (to be a licensed bartender or server). Indiana has a separate training requirement. Again (for Indiana) you can take the training from, but it is a separate server training course (different server course than Nebraska). In Indiana, training is required for all bartenders and servers.
11-14-2018 12:06am
Can I bartender in multiple states. I reside in Nebraska, but am originally from Indiana and want to help a friend bartender once and awhile when I go back once or twice a month
10-12-2018 11:58am
No. in the state of WI, if a person is convicted of a felony, and then wants to be considered for or receive an alcohol beverage serving license or permit, he/she must get a pardon.
10-11-2018 11:57pm
I have a felony from 96 and I live in Milwaukee Wi would I be able do ger a bartender license
09-25-2018 8:33am
Virginia Administrative Code (3 VAC 5-50-40D) permits the employment of convicted felons in all but two circumstances; one being: A person with a felony drug conviction may not occupy a position selling or serving alcohol.
09-17-2018 5:41pm
Can a convicted felon who is not on any type of probation or parole bartend in the state of va
08-23-2018 10:22am
Liquor server permit rules and regulations are set by the state, and each state has different laws for liquor server permits. To answer your question, we would need to know what state you want to work in.
08-23-2018 10:12am
I was convicted on a non violent felony 7 years ago. It was not alcohol related. I have completed a treatment program and have proof of completion. not on parole or probation. can i get a liquor server permit? or be considered?
08-15-2018 3:26pm
No. In Florida, it is unlawful for any vendor licensed under the beverage law to employ as a manager or person in charge or as a bartender any person who has, in the last 5 years, been convicted of any felony in this state (convicted in Florida), any other state of the United States.
08-14-2018 2:42pm
I am on felony probation for possession of prescription medicine and DUI in Florida. Am I permitted to work in a bar?
07-02-2018 12:25pm
We do not have insight into the decisions of the state board of Oklahoma, or other states, but they may have leniency towards crimes that are not harmful to others. A state board may be more lenient if the crime was not harmful, and could not be harmful to any person.
06-28-2018 10:38pm
So, in Oklahoma the ABLE commission will not issue a employee alcohol service license to ANY convicted felon that seeks to obtain licensing. However, I keep hearing that there are CERTAIN conditions felons can get licensed in the state. Could you tell me these conditions? I just got denied.
05-09-2018 8:32am
In the state of Indiana, normally they will give you a permit if you have one OWI, but if you receive a second OWI, they will not allow you to obtain a permit. So yes, you can obtain a permit with one misdemeanor OWI.
05-08-2018 11:52pm
Can I obtain an IN permit to serve alcohol if I had a misdemeanor charge of OWI 7 yrs ago?
04-23-2018 10:19am
In Indiana, the felony requirement pertains to OWI (Operating While Intoxicated), and having an OWI within the last 10 years.
04-20-2018 7:24pm
If my felony in Indiana is not drug or alcohol related can I get license to bartend.
04-18-2018 9:43am
We would not recommend being dishonest, or telling a lie about past DUIs. The best course of action is to contact the state, and see if you will be able to get approved. If that does not work for you, you can find an attorney that specializes in employment, they might be able to give you some advice.
04-15-2018 1:59am
If I had a DUI about 8 years ago and then another do you lie about 18 years ago can I still get a liquor license to be a bartender or server
04-07-2018 10:55am
Each state has different laws about serving alcohol with a felony, or bartending with a felony. If you can post your state, we can look up your state requirements, and reply to your post.
04-07-2018 12:14am
I have a felony on my record. How do I go about getting my license to serve alcohol
03-12-2018 8:30am
There are several issues. It is legal for bartenders to drink at another establishment (off the clock). It is not legal to harm others. The state would have to look at all the details of the incident to determine if the license would be removed. Also, each state has different requirements, and different state boards. Also, an employer can fire a bartender if that bartender is causing problems.
03-09-2018 9:00pm
can a bartender loose his license if he gets drunk off the clock and beats up patrons at nea r by taverns?
01-11-2018 8:10am
In the state of Georgia, there are not state laws for DUIs and bartending, but there are a lot of county laws, rules and regulations (in counties in GA). You will have to call your county seat and ask if they have any rules regarding working as a bartender with a DUI
01-08-2018 8:26pm
I’m in Georgia can I get a bartender license with 2 dui’s. ?
08-16-2017 4:10pm
A liquor license can mean several things. A license to purchase and sell is a liquor license, which is granted by the county, or sometimes state or city. That is usually for a bar owner. A server permit, or Responsible Serving permit or license is what you would need as a bartender. Every state has different laws on being a bartender after having a felony.
08-15-2017 10:46am
It has been 5 years since I have had a felony; and with my record I want to know if I can get a liquor license?
08-13-2017 10:06am
You have to wait 5 years to bartend, after a felony in FL (In Florida, you can bartend 5 years after the felony conviction, but not until after five years).
08-10-2017 11:24am
I have two felony's and an d.u.i on my record can i get my bartender's license in Florida
05-23-2017 2:27pm
In most states you can bartend with a felony, but there are restrictions in a few states, such as Indiana, where your past record can impact whether you can work as bartender or not.
05-22-2017 10:10am
As a bartender, you probably would not have any idea if they are on parole, normally, it is the duty of the parolee to meet their parole requirements. A business can reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason except discrimination, so if you found out they were not supposed to be drinking, you can refuse service.
05-20-2017 3:58pm
I have a drug felony can I get a bartenders liscence? Its been about 3 yes
05-13-2017 3:48pm
In the state of Pennsylvania, can you legally serve someone alcohol if they are on parole? As you being the bartender and them being the customer?
04-18-2017 8:38am
If you have a probation for a OWI (operating while intoxicated) or have OWI related convictions within the past 10 years, that will/could prevent you from having an Employee Permit.
04-15-2017 12:54pm
I have felonies and live near Richmond Indiana but it's been 5 years. Can I get my bartender licence now?
04-11-2017 2:01pm
Yes you can work as a bartender, there is not anything in the Texas code (as of 2017) that restricts bartending based on DUI or felony convictions
04-10-2017 12:21pm
If I have a current DWI case that I'm on probation for am I able to work as a bartender? This is in the state of Texas.
03-23-2017 10:12am
Each state has different laws pertaining to bartending with a felony. You can go to the home page (, click on the Responsible Serving of Alcohol course, and choose your state. Normally, if there is a law on being a bartender with a felony, it will be listed on that state page.
03-20-2017 11:21pm
If I have a felony can I still be a bartender?
01-14-2011 7:39am
According to Indiana statute IC 7.1-3-18-9, the commission may not issue an employee's permit to an applicant while the applicant is serving a sentence for a conviction for operating while intoxicated, including any term of probation or parole. The commission may also not issue an employee's permit to an applicant who has two unrelated convictions for operating while intoxicated if: the first conviction occurred less than 10 years before the application and the applicant completed the sentence for the second conviction less than 2 years before the application. In addition the commission will also revoke a permit if: the employee is convicted of a Class B misdemeanor for selling alcohol to an intoxicated person or the employee is convicted of operating while intoxicated after the issuance of the permit.
01-11-2011 6:52pm
i am a server in Indiana who has been told that because of 2 DWI's in 10 years I cannot obtain a liquor license. Do you know something i don't?