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HomeCan bartenders in VA work as a bartender with a felony conviction? maybe

Yes with restrictions. Virginia Administrative Code (3 VAC 5-50-40D) permits the employment of convicted felons, except the following two categories:

  1. An agent or employee of the licensee who is involved in the sale or service of alcoholic beverages to consumers may not have been convicted of a felony violation involving the sale, distribution, use, or possession of controlled substances or marijuana; driving under the influence of alcohol or other self-administered intoxicated or similar offenses. The board may suspend the license if a licensee knowingly employs such a person for that position.

  2. An agent or employee of the licensee who is involved in the creation or maintenance of records that are required to be kept by the licensee or who is involved in the preparation or filing of tax returns or reports may not have been convicted of a felony violation of laws prohibiting robbery, burglary, larceny embezzlement, computer crimes, forgery, etc. The board may suspend the license if a licensee knowingly employs such a person for that position.